125 Flirty and Fun Pickup Lines to Try Out on Your Crush

Whether you’re wooing in-person or swiping on a dating app, it’s never a poor notion to have a handful of quality pickup lines tucked away. While you might dismiss them as cheesy, pick-up lines can genuinely serve as an excellent catalyst for striking up a chat with someone fresh. A humorous line is a perfect avenue to demonstrate your comic prowess and carefree outlook.

We’ve gathered a selection of top-notch pick-up lines, ranging from endearing to romantic. Deliver these lines with poise, and they’ll undoubtedly cast you as an alluring and magnetic individual. Don’t shy away from embracing their inherent quirkiness! Flirting is fundamentally meant to be enjoyable, so if your attempt doesn’t quite hit the mark or your intended recipient isn’t responsive, maintain a sense of humour about it. After all, grace under pressure is universally admired.

Moreover, if your pick-up lines manage to secure a date, we’ve got a wealth of suggestions for intriguing first-date queries, enchanting date scenarios, and dinner-date menus that will undoubtedly impress. And as you ponder what to pen in a text or card for your Valentine, don’t overlook our choice picks for Valentine’s Day pick-up lines.

Now’s the time to commit a few of your preferred ones to memory, so you’re primed and ready whenever you cross paths with your heartthrob.

Best Pickup Lines

Let’s toss a coin. Heads, I’m yours. Tails, you’re all mine.

So when the grandkids inquire about our introduction, what tale shall we spin?

Do you have a Christian name, or might I simply address you as ‘mine’?

Lost my digits, I have. Could I trouble you for yours instead?

You’re so fetching, you’ve rendered me forgetful of my opening gambit.

Schoolmates once, were we? I could swear we shared some sparks.

Fancy a raisin? Not keen? Perhaps a rendezvous then?

What’s your tipple of choice? Just so I know what to fetch for our inaugural tryst.

Have our paths crossed before? You bear a striking resemblance to my envisioned significant other.

I never subscribed to love at first sight, until I clapped eyes on you.

Owe me a round, you do. Upon setting eyes on you, I quite literally dropped mine.

Rumour has it that nothing endures eternally; care to be my ‘nothing’?

Fancy stepping out for some crisp air? You left me breathless indoors.

Afraid I’ll have to bid you adieu; you’re making everyone else here pale in comparison.

Even now, the mere thought of you sets my insides aflutter.

Your eyes are akin to IKEA – I could wander in them for hours unscathed.

Funny Pickup Lines

I’ve procured you a dictionary, seeing as you imbue my life with such profound meaning.

Allow me to lace up your shoes; I’d hate for you to stumble into another’s affections.

Are you a Wi-Fi signal, perchance? There’s a potent connection I’m sensing here.

If you were a taser, you’d undoubtedly be set to awe-inspire.

How much does a polar bear weigh? Enough to initiate conversation, indeed! Hello, I’m [name].

I’d wager your birthday falls on the 10th of October – you’re a perfect 10/10.

I’m in need of an estate agent; happen to know any? I’m angling to make a move, you see.

Believer in love at first sight, or should I saunter by your way again?

Thank goodness for my library card; I’m thoroughly checking you out, mate.

Time-traveller, are you? Because you feature prominently in my future visions.

I’m all about chasing dreams. Might I have your Instagram handle?

Are you named after Google? You’re precisely what I’ve been scouring for.

Had your licence suspended for driving chaps mad, did you?

Fancy a plaster? Tripped over my own feet, enamoured by you.

Studying historical milestones, you know; fancy becoming one yourself?

Shall we chew the fat over how remarkable you are over tacos and margaritas next week?

What’s the collective term for a group hoisting mozzarella? A cheesy chat-up line, no doubt.

Play football, do you? You strike me as a potential goalkeeper.

When I encounter someone new, I tend to kick off with climate change chatter – reliably melts the ice.

Cheesy Pickup Lines

They say courting’s a numbers game, so might I ask for your digits?

Fancy knowing what’s on today’s menu? It’s just you and me, love.

Was feeling a bit under the weather earlier, but you’ve rekindled my spark.

Are you a loan, perchance? Because you’ve piqued my interest.

If vegetables were people, you’d be a delightful cuke.

In the realm of triangles, you’d surely be an acute one.

Magician by trade? Everyone else vanishes when I gaze upon you.

Absolutely stunned by your beauty, old sport; I’ll need your name and number for insurance purposes.

Hold up, drop and roll, darling! You’re positively ablaze.

Were you a tuber, you’d be a sweet potato through and through.

Model, are you? [They shake their head negatively.] Oh, when did you hang up your catwalk boots?

I fetched you a pair of new trainers; reckoned you’d need them after pacing through my thoughts so much.

Like my new jumper, do you? It’s crafted from authentic [partner] fabric.

Are you my wisdom tooth? I’ve got a hunch I ought to remove you pronto.

Numbers aren’t my forte, but I’ve a knack with figures. Hand over yours and see what I can conjure.

Might be you’re deficient in a dash of Vitamin Me.

Name’s Dunkin’, is it? Because I can’t abide another day sans you.

Suppose we ought to grab a coffee sometime; I fancy you quite the latte.

Cheesy, I know, but I reckon you’re truly smashing.

If fruits were folks, you’d be a top-notch “fine-apple.”

Hailing from Tennessee, are you? You’re the only 10 I’ve espied.

Feel like touching my shirt? It’s woven from pure partner-grade cloth.

Parents bakers, perchance? You’re quite the sweetie-pie.

If we were socks, we’d make a cracking pair.

Given the chance to rejig the alphabet, I’d slot ‘U’ and ‘I’ side by side.

Voilà, here I am! So, what are your other couple of wishes?

Parking citation, are you? You’re positively brimming with finesse.

Were you a hen, you’d be downright “unpeckable.”

Just stepped out of the oven, did you? You’re too hot to handle, I say.

Cute Pickup Lines

If you’d lend me a kiss, I solemnly swear to return it promptly.

Word’s got around I’m adept with numbers; fancy giving me yours to substantiate that?

Evidently, you’re stunning, but what other gems should I acquaint myself with about you?

Are you as exquisite within as without, I wonder?

I was simply planning to [dine/tipple] but you’re proving quite the distraction.

Seems you possess every trait I’ve sought after, and I assure you, my search has been extensive.

May I keep a picture of you to show Father Christmas what I desire beneath my tree this Yuletide?

From 1 to 10, you’re a solid 9, and I’m the solitary 1 you’re missing.

Never would I play hide-and-seek with you, for someone as unique as you is nigh-impossible to locate.

Know what I share with the Little Mermaid? We both aspire to join your world.

Are you a camera perchance? For all I can manage is grin when you’re in view.

(On a dating app) We’re a match made in heaven! Next item on the agenda, picking a wedding date, eh?

Fancy a glass of vino to accompany this cheesy one-liner?

If I cultivated a garden, I’d intertwine my tulips with yours, love.

Let’s act like fabric conditioner and cuddle up close, shall we?

Oh, lookee here, the charmer I requested has arrived!

Promise I won’t shatter your heart – I’ll merely purloin it.

Were I a moggy, I’d dedicate all nine of my lives to you.

Thought this was a [restaurant/pub/whatsit], but it must be a gallery, you’re a veritable artwork.

What’s it like being the most striking creature in this room?

Your name eludes me, but I wager it’s as lovely as you appear.

Not a snapper, but I can certainly envisage us paired up.

Something you’ve done to my eyes, perhaps? Can’t seem to peel them away from you.

Electrician by trade? You’re positively illuminating my day.

Sunburnt, or just naturally scorching? Difficult to discern.

Organ donation’s not my forte, but I’m prepared to donate my heart to you.

Anyone who deems Disneyland the happiest spot hasn’t basked in your presence, methinks.

You wouldn’t happen to be a charger, would you? I’m rather perishing without you.

Pickup Lines for Girls

Have we crossed paths before? You resemble the love of my life, eerily so.

Your hand appears weighty; may I relieve you of it?

Are you named Chamomile? Because you’re positively brewing with allure.

Recall me, do you? Ah, right, we’ve only met in reverie.

You’re ravishing and I’m dashing; fancy joining forces to become ravishingly dashing?

Someone’s likely pinched the stars and slipped them into your peepers, I dare say.

Caught sight of you passing by, felt compelled to pop over and say hi.

Ever considered what might suit you? My arms, I reckon.

The twinkle in your eye is so radiant, I daresay the sun and stars are envious.

(Sitting in a pub or elsewhere) See my mate yonder? They’re curious whether you reckon I’m a bit of alright.

Swear I spotted you topping Spotify’s chart as the hottest single this year.

There seems to be a hiccup with my mobile; your digits aren’t saved.

You’re so breathtaking, you’ve rendered me momentarily bereft of my usual pick-up lines.

Tomorrow morn, when I text you ‘good morning’, what digits should I type in?

Which emoji would you fancy next to your name in my contacts list?

Could I borrow your phone? I need to ring up the Almighty and inform him I’ve stumbled upon his misplaced angel.

(Have you caught wind they’ve watched ‘Barbie’) Care to become my long-term, long-distance, light-hearted squeeze?

Pickup Lines for Guys

If handsomeness were a misdemeanour, you’d be found culpable, no contest.

I reckon your number would be better kept in my mobile than rattling around in your noggin.

Let’s strike a bargain: I’ll rustle up dinner if you’ll whip up brekkie for me.

I’m penning an article about life’s finer points. Could I have a quick tête-à-tête with you?

Crikey, is there a fireman nearby? You’re positively incendiary!

Were you behind the aeroplane invention? You’re clearly Mr. Wright stuff.

Those are some fine arms you’ve got there. Any chance I could sample them wrapped around me?

Hello, I’m [your name], but feel free to dial me tonight or anytime tomorrow.

Fan of Star Wars, are you? Because Yoda’s not the only one for me.

Buddies wagered I couldn’t chat up the most fetching gent in the joint. Fancy using their dough to buy us a round?

Believe in straight talk, I do, and honestly, you’re the most captivating bloke I’ve laid eyes on.

You must be a master thief, managing to pilfer my heart from across the room.

Had a ripper of a line prepared, but you’re so devilishly handsome, I’m utterly gobsmacked.

Surprised they haven’t shown you the door yet – you’re making the rest of the chaps here look drab.

Fancy snapping a photo together? I’d like to show Mum what my next beau looks like.

Quick query, and I could use a chap/lady’s input. [They respond, “Sure, what’s on your mind?”] If I spy a right lovely lad/lass, should I just march over and speak to them, or is that too upfront? [They suggest, “Go ahead and talk to them!”] Pleasure to meet you, I’m [your name].

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