72 cheesy pickup lines that are guaranteed to make them laugh

Those who claim dating’s a breeze… well, they fib. Once you hit your stride, it eases up, but asking someone on a date? That’s proper nerve-racking! Cue the cheesy pickup lines—a nifty tool to thaw those initial moments, be it in a pub or swiping left and right.

Before scoffing at corny lines as OTT or, yes, cheesy, that’s actually the appeal. Kicking off with a quality cheesy one-liner lifts the tension. You can’t utter, “Fancy bagels? ‘Cause you’re bae-worthy,” without sharing a giggle.

Wrap it up with, “That’s my cheesiest line ever. Heard worse?” This shows you don’t take yourself too seriously and paves the way for chat.

Pick from loads of starters, from timeless classics like, “Parents bakers? You’re quite the sweet treat.” Or mix it up with creative cheese, like, “Know how to tame butterflies? Mine in my belly are wild right now.”

Feeling bold? Try a brazen cheesy line asking for digits or suggesting more than idle chatter.

Lost on which to choose? Here are some top-notch cheesy pick-up lines to employ when someone catches your fancy.

Best cheesy pickup lines

This might sound a bit cringey, but honestly, you’re bloomin’ marvellous.

Got a map? I’ve found meself lost in yer eyes, gov’nor.

Like bagels, eh? You’re the epitome of bae-dom, innit.

Know what’d suit you down to the ground? Being held tight in these arms.

Was that sunshine breaking through, or did you just flash me that grin?

I’d swap my brekkie cereal for cuddles with you any day.

Love my bed, but I reckon yours could be even cosier.

Ever crossed paths before? You’re the spitting image of my next significant other.

Glad I’ve got my library card – ’cause I’m definitely giving you a thorough once-over.

If I could rejig the alphabet, I’d stick ‘U’ and ‘I’ cheek by jowl.

Disneyland might claim happiness, but standing beside you trumps it all.

Are you Siri in disguise? You seem to complete me perfectly.

If you were text on paper, you’d be the small print worth reading.

Camera, are ye? Every glimpse at you leaves me grinning.

Them spaces between yer fingers – they look tailor-made for mine.

Keyboard, d’you reckon? You’re just the sort I could get along with famously.

Are you French, by any chance? Because I’ve gone full-on Eiffel for ya.

Classic cheesy pickup lines

Are you a Tennessean lass/lassie? For you’re the sole ’10’ in my sights.

Not worn out, are you? From dashing about in my thoughts all day?

You owe me a bevvy, love. When I spotted you, mine slipped right outta my grip.

Are you named Google, perchance? You’ve got everything I’m after.

Are you a broomstick? You’ve whisked me off my feet, guv’nor.

Did it hurt when you tumbled from paradise?

Must be a wizard, you. Any time I spy you, everyone else vanishes.

Parents bakers by trade, are they? You’re one charming little pie.

Schoolmates, were we? I could swear we shared some sparks.

Hope you’re CPR-certified, pet. You’re leaving me breathless.

Your hand seems awfully solo. Mind if I keep it company?

Movies are tempting, but alas, they frown upon outside nibbles.

My mobile’s acting dodgy. Fancy giving it a ring to test?

If veggies had personalities, you’d be a ‘cute-as-a-button-cumber’.

Sweetness overload, dollface – you’re giving me toothaches.

Fruit-wise, you’d be a Grade-A-apple.

Thought happiness began with ‘H’, but I reckon it’s all ’bout U.

Gravity or no gravity, I’d still tumble head over heels for you.

License revoked for sending chaps round the bend, was it?

Flower-wise, you’d be a bloomin’ fabulous ‘daaaaaamn-delion’.

Creative cheesy pickup lines

Have you a name, or might I call you mine?

Fancy a raisin? Nay? Well then, how about a tryst instead?

Are you a creative sort? You’ve got a knack for capturing my attention, I must say.

Aside from being devilishly attractive, what line of work do you find yourself in?

Know what the Little Mermaid and I share? A desire to become part of your realm.

Numbers we both have, yours and mine; ponder the potential connections, eh?

“Titanic”, that’s my way to break the ice. So, how fares thee today?

Your eyes are as deep as the sea – I could lose myself in them indefinitely.

Shall we conspire to pull off the perfect caper? I’ll pilfer your heart, and you nick mine.

Hallo there, beauty, and I’m rather dashing too. Together, wouldn’t we make a right fetching pair?

New to these parts, I am. Could you kindly direct me to your abode?

If folk were blooms, I’d pluck you right out.

Now tell me, which emoji would best suit your name in my contacts list?

Might as well be standing in a gallery, for you’re nothing short of a masterpiece.

Caught a bit of Star Wars, have you? Because Yoda’s the only one for this chap.

Do you happen to know how to tame butterflies? Mine within seem rather unruly at present.

Play football, do you? You strike me as someone who’d make a top-notch goalkeeper.

Got the time, dear? I fancy marking down the very moment I found myself smitten with you.

Forward cheesy pickup lines

Alright, mate, I’m putting together a phone book and wondered if I could grab your number?

My mobile’s knackered and ain’t got your digits saved anymore. Seem to have misplaced my own number too, so could I borrow yours?

Now, you wouldn’t happen to be my appendix, would ya? This funny feeling in me gut’s got me wanting to get to know you better.

Not an electrician by trade, but I reckon I could brighten your day, no bother.

People say dating’s all about playing the numbers, so mind if I ask for yours?

So, what’s it feel like being the best-looking bloke in this joint? You’ve got me senses tingling, just like Spider-Man, y’know.

Think you might need a dose of Vitamin Me, yeah? Do you buy into falling in love right away, or should I stroll past again for another look?

If I said you’ve got a cracking physique, would that put you offside with me?

They say everything comes to an end, so how about being my ‘nothing’ for a bit?

Wasn’t feeling tip-top earlier, but you’ve cheered me right up now.

Your lips look a bit lonesome there, fancy introducing them to mine?

Got a touch of sunburn, or are you just naturally sizzling hot all the time?

When I rustle up brekkie for you tomorrow morning, what’ll tickle your fancy?

I know you’re swamped, but could you squeeze me onto your to-do list somehow?

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72 cheesy pickup lines
72 cheesy pickup lines


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